Art Projects for Seniors that Keep You Young

Art Projects for Seniors that Keep You Young

From doing crafts to participating in art therapy, art can be both a fun and meaningful activity for people of all ages and skill levels. Importantly, art activities for the elderly offer support for their cognitive functions, emotional health and physical well being. Accordingly,...

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senior meal ideas

Easy to Prepare Senior Meals

Maintaining healthy eating habits is always challenging. When we are young, then we spend time learning about healthy eating and making smart choices with food. In adulthood, then we struggle to find time to eat healthy when balancing work and family. Upon retirement, we...

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simple core exercises for seniors to improve your health and lifestyle

Simple Core Exercises for Seniors

The importance of exercise, along with a balanced diet, is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle. Along those lines, the National Council on Aging notes that exercise is perhaps the most important of any senior activities. In addition to improving balance,...

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